Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mandy's Baby Shower

The hospital was putting on a baby shower for Mandy. MiCayla
and I were in charge of the decorations.Well, as easy as it seemed
we decided to make a rose bouque. How easy is that....What a snap !@#$$###.
Whoops I am getting ahead of myself. MiCayla stayed the night and at 2:00 A.M.
we were still trying to master the art LOL. I was working on a motor cycle
bear made out of diapers also when I realized MiCayla was gone. I yelled
throughout the house calling her name and she wouldn't answer me. It was like
trying to find Waldo. LOL I finally found her downstairs on the net.
She was sitting there with a washcloth in her hand twisting and turning
and folding away and all of a sudden I looked and there it was A DUCK.
Her grandma Brown had taught her how to make bunnies so she was
making ducks to go along with them. How Cute Was That????
Finally the next day after 3:00 p.m. We had mastered the art. WOW
we finally did it. I want MiCayla to know how much I enjoyed having
her here and sharing her talent with me. She is a amazing girl.
The shower went very well. They had Nachos with pulled chicken,
pulled beef, hot creamy sauce and all the topping you could think of.
The cake was fantastic and Mandy received so many nice gifts. How
lucky she is to work with so many people that care and love her. Can't
wait until this little angel comes....June 23rd.....


Happy Birthday Diane. We Love You

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sleep Over With Grandma

It has been along time since I wrote in my Blog. I have alot of catching up to do.

My daughter and her husband went to a wedding in Las Vegas and I got the priveledge

to babysit my grandkids. Wow how fun was that. Well first of all they enjoy to play

guitar Hero. And man are they good...

I went to town and seen these awesome hats...Well, I thought they were awesome. LOL

Tom had allready bought one for his little man Kyson so I thought they were so cute I

would pick up a couple for Cason and Tulson. WOW were they cool. I bet nobody had

a camaflauge hat like these. They looked so hand some I had to take a pic.

After playing games and eating homemade cookies that Sara had baked, it was going

on 12:30 pm...Shhhhhh don't tell their mom that when they come to my house for

sleepovers we are night owls.

They finally fell to sleep and I had the time of my life. Two days and two nights I will

always remember. I love them so much.....

Sleep Over With Grandma

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Today was my granddaughters birthday. I didn't know what to do for her so I decided to make something. I enjoy doing ceramics and so I had a few Trolls sitting around the house that I had poured and fired and thought I would decorate one for her. She is going to have a birthday party this Saturday and they are going to Tye Dye T-Shirts. I knew that Alisa loved peace signs and so this is what I came up with.
She was so excited when she seen it. All she could do was laugh...
I thought it turned out quite cute myself. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALISA !!!!