How do I begin, to tell you how honored I am
To have you in my life?
I'll start by saying, it was a dream come true
The day I became your wife.
Your my best friend in the good times
And my rock in times of sorrow.
Your the reason for sweet yesterdays
And my promise for tomorrow.
I never thought I could feel this loved
Until I became your wife.
You made this year and each other year
The best of my life.
Happy Birthday Ed,
Love, Peg

On this special day, dear MOM
I want to remember you.
I'm giving you a pure, sweet rose,
Gathered in the morning dew.
The rose you planted in my heart,
The day that I was born,
Is kindly, loving thoughts of you,
That will never come apart.
The rose I give to you today,
Is the love that's in my heart.
I miss you every day dear MOM,
Even though we are apart.
Your comfort and advice you gave,
Is deep within my soul,
And I will always remember MOM,
The love you gave was whole.
Happy Birthday MOM
Love, Peggy

Cason Bug is getting BIG!
He loves to run and play and dig.
He turned 5 and he can say,
He will remember Great Grandma this way.
They were born on the same day,
But, in years far away.
Happy 5th Birthday Cason
Love, Grandma