a winner for the photo contest. This is a
winner in Grandma's eyes....
This is a WINNER also in Grandma's eyes..!!!!

the diaper decorating contest......

Diaper changing contest. Came in third place....

Them darn velcro tapes.#%##$
Look alike contest........Tom and Kyson
Judges had a tie between three contestants
"Beaten by a peacock"......Of coarse Keslee

and Keslee was one....

was the cutest lady bug ever. 
Kyson won his first toddler trot race but got scared
My dad is #1
Tom, Gurt and Spitz
No Way !
Sittin in the back of the truck waiting to go........
"BIG HUGS for Grandma"
" And MORE huggies"
We had tootsie rolls to throw to

and ran back to daddy during the finals race.
That's ok he is still a quick whipper snapper. LOL
On our way down main street.

We are in the parade pulling Dad's Derby Car.....
After 45 minutes of waiting
Kyson and his Mickey Mouse.....

I am going to be just like my DADDY

all the kids.!!! But, guess who was
eating them???? Tootsie Roll Smile
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