on how Tom's car is coming for the up
coming event. "Halloween Havoc in Ogden
on October 2nd". Well, he has pulled a
motor out and put one in this car. Stripped
it all out, replaced a starting motor, Fixed
the brakes, pounding with the hammer,
welded all the exterior of his car and has
been busy every day finishing up all the
mechanical problems that needed fixed.
We have all had a hand in helping out
with this car from painting, listening to
it as Tom starts it to adjust the timing,
DON't HIT IT."!!! Not to forget Ed
tripping on welders, tools, paint can's,
Wrenches, jacks. Just to name a few. LOL
WOW it is finally ready for the derby.
Cob webs, ghosts and crawling spiders.
Here are some of the pics of his car. All we
have left to do is paint some names on it.
This should be a VERY interesting derby.!!!
Me,well, I will just sit back and relax and
pray that it will be a fun and safe derby EVER.!!!!!
Good Luck Tom !!
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