Party. He is wearing a ribbon saying
Birthday Boy !!! I think he is growing
out a beard for his fishing trip coming up.
are never to old to have one. So here he is
half way blindfolded with paper towels.
After hoping he wouldn't mess up
his shoulder surgery he had, I thought
I had better give the stick to the great
grand kids and let them have a swing of
things, which they did and candy went
flying EVERYWHERE......
had a great feast including sloppy
joes, dips, beans, chips, salads and
At least it wasn't raining.
Mandy, Mommy and MiCayla
Kickin Back
This is a picture of one of dad's best
buddies that lives in Alaska. Blake
happened to be in town and so he
was invited to come to the party.
For many years dad has gone to Alaska
for a get together with Blake for some
salmon and halibut fishing . He is such
a good and nice friend, we never have
to worry when dad is gone because
Blake always takes care of him.
And they both have a blast together...
dad's..After he passed on his son in
law got it and gave it to his son in
law and he fixed it all up. The plates
are the initials of my Grandpa's name.
in his Daddy's truck.... Hope
you had a nice Birthday Dad
and MANY more......Love ya, Peg
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