My grandparents owned and lived in this house for as long as I recall. There are so many memories in this home from family gatherings for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and to hang out. My grandpa played the banjo, mandalin, acuostic, and electric guitar. When ever I would go to visit, I was always greeted with the sounds of him playing. He was VERY musical inclined along with my Grandma whom played the piano. I remember them telling stories of how she would play at the movie theaters when there wasn't sound. She played ragtime as the old picture would play from the reels and she made it all come alive.

They owned Mac's Motel and a little service station called Timp View, which all lined in a row on main street.When they past away, their home, station and motel were gradually sold. McDonald's company bought their house and rented it out. They decided they needed more parking for their fast food cafe and will soon be making their Mc Donald's larger so they let the Wasatch County Swat Team use this home for practice techniques. They busted in doors, broke windows, through in smoke bombs and really seemed to know what they were doing. People would drive by main street and wonder what was going on. Some would slow down, some would stop, some didn't even notice what was going on. But, I did..

This was the back porch where all us cousin's at Christmas and holidays would gather around a table that was just for us while the adults ate at the kitchen table. I will always remember the nice meals that my grandma had and all the fun we had with our family at this time of holiday. I can still smell the turkey, stuffing, home made rolls, home made jams and jellies, home made peach pie, apple pie,that were never forgotten at the end of the meals. I remember using EXTRA real BUTTER on my rolls. Back then Butter was a treat. I can remember all the noise of us kids and the adults laughing in the background, the games we would play as kids, playing the piano with my cousin, and the fights we kinda had but always seemed to make better.There were alot of memories at this home, that once was our families.

Here are a few pics of the home after the SWAT team left.

Here are pictures after the home was taken down.This is what is left of their home with so many memories. The BIG weeping willow tree and lilac trees are being taken down.

The foundation was pot rock.

My grandma had the BEST wild roses around her house. You could smell them from a mile away.

Here are a few bricks that one time made this home complete.

This is the front porch that welcomed many friends.

Here is my grandson standing by the back steps to his Great Great Grand parents home.

And this part of the house is where the Jever Horse lived. A story has been handed down to many generations. Memories are the best medicine for life. Their home may be gone but the memories will last forever.