Well, it doesn't seem like it has been a year ago when Tom won the mini derby. He is ready for another year of it again!!! He has been busy getting this car ready. It is a 1979 Subaru Brat. It will be interesting to see what it can do. We are all excited and scared at the same time.

Here is Keslee telling Kyson to take her for a spin. But, don't tell mom !!!

Kyson is letting Keslee know that it has a cool sunroof....

Whoops busted by dad !!! Good Luck Daddy...

Here is the car after Tom stripped it all down and did alot of work welding it together..

When you sign up for the derby, they call you and let you know if you get the number you recommended, so, it has no number yet...

Tom had a couple of people that wanted to sponsor him this year. That really helps on the pocket book. One was a restaurant here in town called Tony's Taco's..

The other sponsor he got was Park City Jewelers. They told Tom how much money they wanted to give him and told Tom they would give him $10.00 more if he put their name in gold. Thanks to both these sponsors.....They are GREAT people..

Tom has derbied for three years now. Every year he derbied he had me put Shelbie's name on the back. We LOVE and MISS you Shell...

Here is the sunroof finished.

I painted nautical stars all over the car...

Every year Tom has chosen the number of Shelbie's age for that year. This year she would have been 20....She always wanted to derby and Tom always has a part of his heart saved for her.

Here Tom is doing that last minute welding....

And here is the finished piece. I sure hope he does well and no one gets hurt. Scares me to death but, it is something Tom enjoy's doing. I hope you all enjoyed seeing the makings of this derby car. GOOD LUCK TOM. We love you MUCH... Love, Mom
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