Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy 20th Birthday Shelbie

Dear Shelbie, It seems like yesterday when we celebrated your last Birthday here with us. It is still hard for me to realize that you are gone. I miss all the fun times we had with you. Now you would have been twenty really makes me realize that time is going by whether I want it to or not. I try to picture what you have been doing and who you would be today. I am sure you are giving advise in the beauty salons cause that is what you wanted to be along with dancing with the stars and putting a smile on someones face and caring and listening to those in need. I am sure you were the first one like MiCayla said to bust in the doors of our new Wallmart store and head right to the make up isle. I can still hear your laugh and see your smile and can still remember the little twitch you had in your walk.
This year your nieces and nephews blew out your candles. And as you know they thought that was great. They miss and remember you also and talk fondly of you to this day, even the youngest that I believe and know that you were the last to hold them before sending us our little angels from heaven.
I am sorry Shell for not being able to get Tinkerbell for the top of your cake. All I could get is Iridessa. She is the fairy that always had a few tricks up her wings and would make you laugh. Just as you did Shelbie. You still pull tricks on us and put a smile on our face when we are down.
As we sang Happy Birthday to you I could feel your presence as the tears rolling down my face was a sign that you are really not that far away. This picture is for you Shell to tuck under your wings at night. Your Family !!!
When we went to the cemetary we let balloons go into the skies. I hope they made it to the stairways to heaven so you can read them and know how important you are in our hearts and how much we love and miss you.
The night was getting late so we could barely see them floating way up high on their journey to you.
Tulson, Parley, Grace and Emma were in great thought thinking about you.
Along with Alisa and Chey and all your family.
The flowers gave to you Shell is a symbol of our love for you on your Birthday.
It was so beautiful to see the love that your family and friends have for you Shell and forever in our hearts. I hope you had a Happy Birthday Baby Girl because I Love You To The Moon And Back. Love, Mom

Friday, September 23, 2011


Today is my little brothers Birthday.!!! He is 10 years younger than me but in alot of ways he sure seems smarter and wiser than I. I would like to pay a tribute to him for his talent, love and caring he has shared with me on creations he has made. He made me this picture umteen years ago. I love the detail he has put into it. You can see a cat approaching the bucket which sits aside a pitch fork and broom. He used a woodburner to make this picture. The mare is showing much love to it's new born colt.
We were down to Alan's house quite awhile ago and his talented wife and him were teaching my kids how to use clay. Alan finished this indian and I thought it was so nice he gave it to me.
Very delicate. I have it in my curio and somehow some of the feathers have broken. UGGGGHH
He also taught us how to make roosters out of twigs. It was so much fun until it came to the tail. If you weren't percise the tail would break off. We learned this art took a steady hand.
I had bought a canoe at RC Willey's one year and Alan carved a beautiful fish scenery out of wood to put in it.
The fishing pool resembles one of Ed's old fishing poles. This was all hand carved by Alan.
The rocks are all wood.
The grass is all wood and you can see he even carved a pocket knife and arrow heads.
After he carved everything I painted them to make it come to life. The fishing bait is a old bottle of fish bait that came from my grandpa's service station many many many years ago.
One day at Alan's he taught me how to chainsaw bears. He did a GREAT job.
He woodburned and carved on toilet seats.
They are to nice to sit on so I hung them on my wall they make a cool conversation piece.
He carved a belt buckle for Ed out of a Elk horn and I was the lucky winner on his e-bay to win the beautiful necklace.
He now makes flutes that are out of this world. Coyote calls, and firestarters out of deer antlers.
Here is a closeup of the flutes he made for me. The touch of his wifes painting and sculpting made them come alive. I just want you to know Alan how much you mean to me and how greatful I am to have a brother like you. If anyone would like to take a peek of all the rest of his work you should visit him at http://macnaughtancreations.blogspot.com/2011/08/elderberry-branch-flute-key-of-g.html and http://macnaughtanflutesandcreations.blogspot.com/2011/01/carved-acorn-button-and-deer-pendant.html. He has really made some amazing art pieces. Hope you had a nice Birthday Alan. Thanks for all you've done for me.!! And thanks for being my little Bro. Love, Peg

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Hunt Is Coming

We have been getting our guns sited in for the hunts. It will be so much fun to go hunting and camping this year. I really enjoy the outdoors. MiCayla and her dad are setting up the targets.
MiCayla is excited to go hunting. I hope she get's a big one.!!
Ed is getting ready to. We have permission to go on private ground to site our guns in. It is so nice there. Very peaceful and roomy.
Jake brought his fourwheeler up so he didn't have to walk to check out the target. As you can see the grandkiddies are having a blast...
Tulson is looking through the binaculars...Checking things out.!!!
Keslee loves to go riding with her mommy.!!!
While Cason is thinking. hmmmmm one day I can drive this beast myself.
Keslee is having fun walking or should I say crawling up the ramp to the trailer. LOL Well, good luck to everyone this year. Love My Family..


My widdle grandson Cason is loving school this year. He is in kindergarten. He loves his teacher so much. It doesn't seem possible that he is old enough to go to school. He is growing up so fast and grandma is just getting older. LOL Oh well, Cason just wanted you to know how proud I am of you. Love You Much. !!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


With a twinkle, a wink of an eye,
wiggle of her hip,
A pose, a pout, a flash of her captivating smile,
She is Grace aka Marilyn Monroe..
She is the picturesque of glamour.
She is an immortal Goddess captured on film.
She makes us believe that Gentlemen really do prefer blondes.
She captured us with her soft voice,
She sparkled like the diamonds around her neck.
She is a girl who dreams of becoming a star, and she will always shine among them.
Happy Birthday Grace.!!!! Grandma Love's You

Friday, September 16, 2011

Congratulations Garrett and Emmi

Emmi had a bridal shower and Sara and I were asked if we could do the games. It turned out so much fun. One game we played was that Emmi dressed in a apron and on the apron was all kinds of utinsils. She walked around the room and everyone had to write down what they could remember Emmi was wearing. She had a spatula tied to a bow to her hair ,tooth pick in her mouth and even had a doggy light that lit up so she could keep track of Garrett. LOL Fun times Fun times. After, Emmi got to keep the apron and everything that was on it. I am going to be checking Emmi and find out if you are cooking or Garrett!!! I heard that Garrett does the cooking. Well, I guess you can share the apron with him. LOL She recieved so many nice gifts. You could feel the love in the room that family and friends gave to her.
We were so excited to be invited to Garrett and Emmi's wedding. It was held at Daniel's Summit Lodge. They have been friends to us forever. They went to school with Tom and Shelbie and so we have always considered them as part of our family. Garrett is waiting in this picture for his wife to be walk down the isle.
Emmi was so lucky to have her father marry the two of them.
Here they are exchanging their rings.
And here is the KISS.!!!
Mr and Mrs Pay's.....
They are a really cute couple and I am so proud to be able to be a part of their life. The scenery was so nice. It was suppose to rain but, I know somebody was watching over them to make that not happen. :)
While they were having pictures taken Kyson was having fun playing in the rose peddles.
Emmi, Garrett, Ed and I.
And of course US with the bride. Love you Emmi.!!!
My batteries were acting up with my camera. I wished I could had taken better pictures.
Here they are cutting their cake. It was a very beautiful wedding and I want Garrett and Emmi to know how much we LOVE them and appreciate them, being a part of our family. Emmi had let me know that she took her wedding flowers to Shelbie. You are special people not only to us but to Shelbie. Thanks again Emmi for thinking of her. I know for fact she was with us on your wedding day.!!! Love You Much