It has been awhile since I have blogged about what's been happening at our house. Well, we always have Hot Air Balloons huvvering over our house in the mornings. They come from Park City and there are so many different colors. They are so close you can hear the fire filling them up with air and You can actually hear the people that are getting rides talk.

The other morning I went outside, looked up and there was a hot air balloon. This was the first time I had seen this shape before. They have all been round. It was in the shape of a can. And that is just what it was, a PEPSI can..

I had to brag up my new bed that I got the other day. I have always wanted a log bed. I happened to look on KSL and walaaaa!!!!! There it was.

I need to get a bed skirt for it. But, other than that I love it !!!!

Mandy, Jake and their family went on a vacation a little while ago to Star Valley Wyoming. She text me and said they went to a yard sale and she got something for me. I couldn't wait to see what it was. I love yard sales. It was a potatoe bin. It was in a original wood color and I got out my handy dandy paint brush and wood burner and this is how It turned out. Thank you Mandy... I Love It. I use it every day for my taters and onyuns.

Here is my cute little grandaughter Keslee . I enjoy so much watching the grandkids on Fridays. Keslee's hair in back is getting quite long so I thought I would try my expotease. LOL how ever you spell that and give her some piggy tails.

I thought they were the cutest little things you have ever seen.. LOL Love you Keslee

We are all getting ready for the deer hunts that are coming up. Tom and Ed have been reloading some bullets up. Kyson just loves to help his dad.

As you can see, he is pulling down the handle as dad looks on and see's his big accomplishment.

I have been pretty spoiled the last month or so. I am surprised Ed hasn't banned me from KSL. I found some furniture that was advertised. It is like brand new and I couldn't resist. Ya!! I finally have matching furniture.

I have always liked the western outdoorsy look and now we have it all....Thanks Ed :)

Well, that about sums it all up on what has been happening in our neck of the woods. From our house to yours.....Stay tuned, I am sure we will be having alot of excitement coming up...Till then, Love You To The Moon And Back.
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