To all you mother's out there. Here is a solution in breaking your child from sleeping with you. My daughter called me and said that her little one Keslee would not go in her crib anymore. She has been sleeping on the couch until Keslee would fall to sleep. Then quietly she would pick her up and tip toe to her room and lay her down in her cozy little crib hoping no sign of noise or sudden jolt would awake her. Right!! I noticed on Friday's when I babysit my little munchkins that she refused to take a nap in the playpen. Hmmmm I wondered what the deal was? Was it she thinks she is to old? Does she feel insecure? Is she excercising her vocal chords? Or is she plain out SPOILED? She is still a itsy bitsy little girl but I know the last statement is fact. SPOILED. Well, Mandy sent me a picture of true happiness. Keslee's daddy has solutions to all. He goes to sleep with her in her crib!!! I laughed when she sent me this pick wondering how in the world he crawled up and over this crib to get in and out. Well, he puts the computer chair up to it and stands on reaching over into the crib without a problem. LOL Without a doubt the solution works! Snug As A Bug In A Rug...Or Snug As A Bug Daddy..!! Good job Jake.. Sweet dreams...
How stinkin adorable!!!! I love it!! way to go jake!! she's daddy's lil girl!!!