The deer hunt was fun this year something we all enjoy doing. Alot of driving, walking and disappointment during the first few days. Tom got his first deer this year! He had gone with Mandy, Jake and MiCayla. He felt kinda bad because MiCayla hadn't got one yet. But, excited at the same time for his trophy deer. LOL

MiCayla was hoping to get her first deer also this year. Mandy and the kids and Ed went with us for a drive to find one for MiCayla. After sitting at a hillside, we decided to drive a little further up. Mandy seen some and before you knew it MiCayla was out of the truck. As she let the tail gate down to get a better view, her mom was telling her to be quite so she didn't scare them off with the tailgate coming down. I had the binoculars scoping them out and we were telling her the one on the right was the buck. Well, It was intense as we wanted MiCayla to also have the experience of shooting her first as well as Tom did. As the little kids sat in the back seat waiting for the bang of the gun, the truck would bump and wiggle from them moving. As I looked through the binoculars holding my breath the gun went off and I seen the whole thing. WOW I screamed she got it. 200 yards away!! We called Tom and Cam and told them that it was the biggest beautiful 3 point they had ever seen. Well, I kinda counted more horns on it than it had due to the tree it happened to be standing by. Tom and Cam came and helped MiCayla get it down, not to mention her excited mom at the top of the hill by her side. MiCayla gutted the deer by herself she had watched Tom gut his and with little reminders from her two uncles, her mom, and grandpa. She did a sweet job. I would post pictures but it may not be appropriate for all viewers. Mandy got it all on video.

Tom had a butcher in charleston cut and wrap his and he made his own jerky out of the roasts.

Man oh man was it ever good.

After marinating and smoking 5 batches he was finally finished. MiCayla had the butcher do some jerky for her. She was so excited to come home from school and try it. Jerky is her favorite. When she got home her mom told her that the butcher messed up and gave her jerky to someone else. Finally after a minute of anger she told MiCayla to go get her a coke out of the fridge. MiCayla did and yelled who's jerky is in my fridge? Well, her mom got her with that joke But, that's not the end of it. Jake felt sorry for the dogs the next day so he let them in the back porch due to the cold weather. Mandy got up that morning and went out and noticed the fridge door was open. The dogs had opened the fridge and had ate all 5 pounds of MiCayla's jerky. She was a little upset but said. That's ok I will take some of my deer roasts and have Tom make me some jerky. She said she liked his better anyways. Congratulations Tom and MiCayla.!!!! Maybe next year the rest will get lucky??? Love My Family
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