My grandaughter Chey has been doing volunteer work at a assistant living home here in the valley. She wants to be a CNA. She helps with the games and serving their dinner. I had taken her to work once and she mentioned to me that she needed a craft day with them. Well, she spoke to soon and before you knew it old grandma here was right on the stick. I told her I had a bunch of ornaments sitting in my art room that could put a smile on someone's face!!.

And that's just what happened. With christmas coming porcelain snowflakes would be perfect. Not knowing how hard or easy it would be for the residence I thought we could have them tie on the ribbon and place a flower which had a sticky on the backside to the ornament. We had them string the ribbon through the top of each snowflake and tie them in a knot of their choice. Then we had them put on the flower . Hmmmmm I showed them how to dip a small stick into the glue and put it where ever their little heart desired. Then explained that we would put glitter on them. As I helped the residence Chey was working on another table putting together some for residence that weren't there. We made sure that they were all included. I told them that we would be seeing glitter for a week. One resident said no, we will be shining. LOL

I had brought a sample of one that I had done and I am embarressed to say theirs were more attractive than mine. Being there with these sweet spirits brought back so many memories of my mother that had passed away from mini strokes. I will always remember your kindness mom and all that you have taught me to be who I am today. I worked at this same assistant living home shortly after my mother past and they are the sweetest people you could ever be around. They thanked us for coming and As I left I could see their smiles shine back on me...I hope I made their day as bright as they made mine. Love them all...

There were 12 total in the facility and 3 were men so I made sure that we gave the men tractor's. I know they thought that was cooler than a flower!!! They will be getting their tree up this week so we put their initials on the back with a glitter letter so they can look into the tree and say!! Hey I made that one, the one that shines brighter of them all. Thanks Chey for letting me come along with you and share one of the funnest and memorable momments with these residence. And remember they will keep shining!!!!
How stinking fun are yo guys!! That is a great way to volunteer! I never saw it from Chey! That makes me so happy to hear! What a great craft project!!!